A picture of the specific Calathea Orbifolia that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Succulent that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Heartleaf Philodendron that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Variegated Peperomia that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Jellybean Plant that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Fishbone Calathea that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Calathea Rattlesnake that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Succulent that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Succulent that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Wax Vine that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Hindu Rope Plant that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Hoya Krimson Princess that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Wax Plant that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Kimberly Queen Fern that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Prayer Plant that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Rabbit's Foot Fern that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Zebra Haworthia that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Assorted Cacti that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Button Fern that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Network Plant that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Ginseng Ficus that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Kimberly Queen Fern that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Rainbow Elephant Bush that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Stromanthe Triostar that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Blue Star Fern that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Peperomia Ginny that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Peperomia Hope that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Mistletoe Cactus that is looking for a home.
A picture of the specific Prayer Plant that is looking for a home.